ShineCloud Mobile
Keep in touch beyond the walls of your office
A Mobile Unified Communications app integrated into your ShineCloud hosted system, designed to provide your business users with a set of features and benefits
capable of transforming your company’s communications.
Compatible with Google Android and Apple iOS.
Work on the move and experience efficiency at its best. Whether in or out of the office, take your ShineCloud system functionality with you on your smartphone wherever you go.

ShineCloud Mobile Chat
Our existing Messenger/‘Chat’ features are now fully embedded into the already feature-rich SC Mobile app.
Your ‘Chats’ are fully synced between your SC Communicator desktop application and your SC Mobile app – providing unified device working. Send a message via Chat from your mobile app and pick up the Chat where you left off, using your desktop SC Communicator. Users can even send images, videos, documents or any kind of files (size dependent) quickly and easily.
SC Chat also works for ‘Groups’ – for example, your on-site engineers can post a group photo (using SC Chat) from their mobile device to the rest of the engineering team in the office.